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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 1, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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maybe glass is tough enough to be used by virgin atlantic airways for glass bottom planes. that's what virgin announced it was launching. might make the walk to the restroom less than restful. turns out it's just april fool's, not as big a fool as this guy. jeannie moos, seascnn, new york. >> that's it for me. see you in one hour. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> "outfront" next, the u.s. navy closes in on north korea. america responds to kim jong un's latest threats. and why did ashley judd decide not to run for the senate? was she a victim of a democratic hit job? two months of aa deputy district attorney in texas was gunned down, his bass and wife also murdered. prosecutors say they are living in fear. let's go "outfront."
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good evening, everyone. i'm aaron burnett. "outfront" tonight, american war ship closing n the u.s. navy tonight is moving one destroyer and one sea based radar platform closer to the north korean pen lans tonight after u.s. stealth fighter jetses with deployed to south korea yesterday. the destroyer, the uss john s. mccain is prepared to shoot down a missile from north korea. let's get to our reporter in seoul tonight. what can you tell us about the war ship? >> well, we can tell you is that this is a war ship that generally is ported in japan, it ports in japan. it's part of the navy's seventh fleet. and what the defense department officials confirming to cnn is that it will now move closer to south korea. why? it is to monitor any sort of military moves in north korea, specifically any potential
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missile moves, any missile launches. that's specifically what they're concerned about. we understand from that defense department official that this may be the first of other naval moves. some important context here, though. this is not the first time that the seventh fleet moved a war ship into these waters. in 2010, the uss george washington was actually moved over here during a similar time. tensions were a little higher. the u.s. and south korea was engaging an on going drills. so that's important context here. not the very first time. but certainly a signal to north korea that the u.s. navy, that the u.s. military is watching what is happening on the ground. the pentagon spokesman today, erin, we should also mention that he feels we need to separate this, that this is part of on going ship moves in this area. >> right. i know they're trying to make that point. we're being careful. we're not overreacting. what about on the north korean side today? the government released a new video of troops and we'll show it to viewers live fire training
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exercises. and they're shooting at targets which include one that looks like an american soldier. you see the usa on the helmet there. the text says kill the united states. now we don't know where the footage was shot. it was actually broadcast on north korean state television today. in that video, that comes on top of ones recently with new york city in flames, the white house and capitol under attack. what is the message here on this newest video? >> you know the message is clear. they don't like us. they feel that the u.s. is the enemy and should be destroyed. it is actually just the latest song in the symphony of crazy coming out of the kingdom. so this is something if you watch north korea, you see quite a bit of. but this is something important to note. it is a little more rare to see them firing at a paper soldier with the words usa on it. in the past, we've seen more typically they blow up a dummy of the south korean president or run over a paper doll of south
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korean president. this is specifically pointing out that they feel the united states is the enemy. the important thing, though, to note is that they are speaking to a north korean audience. that is what analysts largely believe. this message is to shore up the support within that country. >> all right. thank you very much reporting from seoul tonight. "outfront" tonight, our contributor retired army general james spider marks who served as the senior intelligence officer in korea and david congress, director of the korean studies institute at the university of southern california. appreciate both of you taking the time. general, let me start with you. we were showing that video of the north korean soldiers shooting at a paper cut out of an american soldier with the words usa written across the helmet. as our reporter told us this is for a north korean audience. but to you, how important are these videos which seems to be coming out fast and furiously and very directly targeting the u.s.
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>> the key thing for us is to see what's a state of readiness with the north korean military and has there been a change, a demonstrative change in terms of their ability to launch a no notice warning or a no warning attack against south korea which would come in the form of artillery or missiles. so this video of shooting against targets that are labelled as u.s. soldiers really is not significant. it's all the other intelligence collection that is taking place right now which is clearly going on as united states makes moves that are different from what they have done before to see how north korea will respond. that's what's most significant. >> now david, you know, he refers to all the other intelligence, of course. there's been a lot of that lately. it does seem like the americans have the best intelligence on one level and i say this half facetiously, do we know about this man to know that he won't cross the line, that he won't take this just beyond rhetoric?
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>> we don't know much about him which i think is one reason that people on the outside of north korea are a little bit more worried. in the first year of his rule, eyes overseeing a propaganda campaign. at the same time they're doing this, he's also watching basketball with dennis rodman and going to amusement parks with his pretty wife and telling his domestic audience everything is fine. >> i mean it's pretty amazing. just imagine what goes on in the head of that man. spider, you know, jay carney, the press secretary for the president was asked by a reporter today we thought was important. a white house briefing and a reporter asked whether the united states plans to engage in a preemptive strike against north korea which is a crucial question. the reporter pressed carney with a follow up saying why not bomb north korea. here's the exchange. >> why not try to bomb them? >> well, i don't think that's a serious question. >> on that note, he ended the briefing. the question is one of whether
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to do a preemptive strike. how is that not a serious question? >> it's a very serious question. frankly, what we have seen in north korea we need to take very, very seriously. a new leader who has been in place now a year, quite young. is he worldly wise? we're not too sure. we know he's been connected to the world through the internet, et cetera. and some life experiences. but what we really need to be aware of is what is his control or relationship with the military, the leadership in north korea clearly takes its lead from the military. that is the governing body in the north. we have to be very, very serious about that. so it's a serious question. but we have 60 years of experience in terms of trying to create and maintain a certain degree of stasis. we don't want this to turn into a confilgration. what is the control that they
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have over north korea? we guess it's probably waning. what is our relationship with the south? it's very tight. but again, the south has its own national interests. we have to make sure we're married up with that. >> david, where what is the red line? george w. bush didn't go to war to stop that step. what is the red line for president obama? this is a nuclear armed country. they're just trying to have weapons that will go further and have better aim. >> i think the red line is if they attack us first, and i think that's why the comment eerier is it's not a serious question. the reason it's not serious is we would not preempt north korea. we take seriously they would respond. i think will is no question. in what we've been doing is showing north korea if they do something first, we will respond. everyone is making their point now. i think both sides take it pretty seriously that other side would respond.
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>> thanks very much. i appreciate both of you taking the time. still to come, last week ashley judd, the actress ashgs announced she is not running for the u.s. senate. everyone blamed people like karl rove. was it really that or was it a democratic party takedown? plus the colorado movie theater shooter wants a plea deal. the da though made its decision today. and the most painful sports moment of the day, no, not that one. it's our president. it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support,
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our second story "outfront," sabotage. the real reason actress ashley judd decided not to run for a senate seat, other democrats. it's always your own kind. it's when you're in the mafia and they kill you it's the worst. according to judd's individualsor, a small group of democrats helped push judd out of the race. is that whole story? judd's adviser jonathan miller joins me along with jonathan millbank. jonathan, you wanted judd to run. she's got name recognition, beautiful woman. she's got money. she's got connections. she's got a lot of things that are really important for a candidate for public office. so why do you think she was sabotaged? >> well, you know, i think that what happened was there are two groups of people that were being quoted most of all in the news media whether they were on the record or behind the scenes. and some of them wanted another candidate, secretary of state
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aliceson leonard. but others sought to either profit from her working on her campaign or would love to have a friend in the u.s. senate. then kind of ironically on the other side, you had people who weren't friends of secretary grimes who wanted to push her into the senate race so she would be running for governor or lieutenant governor back home because she might be a rife afl up with of the preferred candidates. so really the establishment on both sides turned against judd. i'm sure they had some good reasons as well. but unfortunately, those reasons weren't being the negative weren't being covered and the voters and the american people weren't getting a real good sense of why people were saying what they were saying. >> like i said, worse when you have your own side as your enemy. when we were covering this everyone was saying the reason that ashley got out of the race is because republicans. let me play this ad by karl
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rove. >> a leader who knows how to follow. >> i will go wherever the president wants me to go. >> someone who will never forget where she came from. >> it just clicked. tennessee is home. it just clicked -- >> kentucky. >> someone who knows what's good for us. >> obama care has meant so much for us here in tennessee. >> someone who shares our values. >> karl rove or the democrats, dana? >> well, the answer is, yes. it's a little bit of each here. the ones who definitely did want her to run were us in the media. we were dying for an ashley judd -- >> that's true. we would have loved it. >> for ratings and readers. it would have been good all around. i think the republicans did want to run against her. i think they overplayed their hand. they expected her to be running. what the republicans want to do is run a national campaign against ashley judd, not just there in kentucky where let's
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face it, miss mcconnell is in a very strong position there. got a lot of money. and it's a very conservative state. it was going to be an uphill battle for anybody. what democrats are worried about and what they wanted to do is run against her in other red states, have the reverse of the todd ache ineffect to make other people answer for what they would say were hollywood liberals. so that's why i think jonathan is right. the democrats were antsy about it and perhaps not for all the same reasons. >> all right. i want to squeeze one other topic in today. i can't resist. you know, the sports moment of the day, if you all think that i'm talking about, you know, that horrible leg incident, and you obviously aren't watching the video because i want to show the video of the president, you know, you know he's great at basketball, right? i mean i probably could have made that shot. not made it, made it as badly as he made it. this is the white house easter egg roll. he made a stop at the basketball court.
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that's yes was -- maybe he was nervous. 15 shots before he got a basket. he made two out of 22. what do you think about that, dana? this is a blow to his pride. maybe this puts the criticism to rest recently that he's taking so much vacation. i guess if he's taking a lot of vacation, he would have been, you know, a little bit more up to snuff. >> this could be the worst presidential moment since that bowling incident during the 2008 campaign. this is ugly. he should be able to -- 2-22 he should be able to do with blindfolds. then the kid comes after him and makes the lay-up. >> i know. jonathan this leads me to maybe a conspiracy theory. maybe the president was purposely taking bad shots to look good. look, you know, i'm not practicing very much. >> well, i think it really is going to hurt him. thank goodness he doesn't have to run here again. you know, our state, kevin ware episode last night, the broken leg has united our state for the first time, i believe, in the bluegrass state history between the u of l and uk fans.
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i was uniting for u of l after that incident. it didn't hurt that they were playing duke who we all hate from western to eastern kentucky. >> i have to agree. i don't like duke either. but my partner loves duke. thanks very much. appreciate it. all right. still to come, the da rejects a plea deal from the colorado movie theater shooter. will efface death? plus, the op-ed that everyone is talking about. a woman says girls should go to college to find a husband. sexist or smart? guess what? she's "outfront" tonight. another oil spill, thousands of barrels of crude pouring out of a pipeline in this country. we have the pictures. the american dream is of a better future,
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prosecutors in colorado will seek the death penalty for james holmes in the movie theater shooting deaths of 12 people. the district attorney today said he's not going to consider a plea deal because in this case and i want to quote his words, "justice is death." jim spellman is "outfront" tonight way special report from centennial, colorado. >> reporter: minutes after prosecutors declared they would pursue the death penalty against james holmes, frustrated victim marcus weaver sends a message directly to the defendant from outside the court. >> mr. holmes if, you're listening to a victim and somebody who was hurt by what you did, if you just plead guilty, question all move forward, you know? >> reporter: weaver is one of 60 victims the da spoke with before making his decision and telling a courtroom inside full of victims, family members and
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holmes' own parents that in this case justice is death. welcome news to brian beard whose son was gunned down in the attack. >> give me a front row ticket. he took my good friend from this earth. >> last week it appeared a deal was in works, with holmes offering to plead guilty if the death penalty was taken off the table. prosecutors said they couldn't take the deal without more information. and for the moment, it seems the deal is not being considered. the judge anticipates a trial lasting well into 2014 frustrating victims and families and friends. >> there is no punishment that this kid deserves more so than being in excruciating pain every single day the rest of his life. but sadly that's not the way that we can work in the judicial system right now. so to me, whatever we can do to have this justice quick and to provide closure for friends and familiar sli the most important thing. >> reporter: for marcus weaver whose arm still goes numb from the shotgun blast he took to the
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scholler, it's time for holmes to put an end to some of his suffering. >> we feel that we know you are guilty. j not just plead guilty? >> reporter: holmes could change his plea at any time to not guilty by reason of insanity, further delaying the trial and further frustrating the victims and families. erin? >> all right. thanks very much to jim. still to come, just two months after a deputy district attorney is gunned down in texas, his boss also murdered in cold blood. prosecutors are now living in fear. plus, an "outfront" investigation tonight. an all white student group patrolling a college campus to fight what is an increase in black on white crime. well, we investigated. do the numbers add up? bny mellon has the vision and experience to help. we look at the full picture... to uncover risk, find opportunities,
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start with stories we care about where we focus on our reporting from the front lines. so we begin with a massive cleanup which is under way in mayflower, arkansas. 12,000 barrels of oil spilled there over the weekend. it's called the peg us is pipeline. it runs more than 800 miles from i will toil t illinois to texas. it ruptured. an epa coordinator tells "outfront" the fumes were so strong that 22 homes had to be evacuated. he is hoping residents will be home within a week.
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it's going to take that long. they don't know what caused the leak. jury selection begins tomorrow in the wrongful death lawsuit against his concert promoter. the lawsuit alleges they were negligent in the supervision of conrad murray who is the physician found glts of manslaughter for giving jackson lethal levels of a powerful anesthetic. if he is called to the stand, he said he'll plead the fifth. jodie a. moore says that jackson has a strong case if they can prove the doctor was pressured by aig to get jackson to show up. they do recover billions of dollars. cnn lerndz that caroline kennedy is being vetted to be the united states next ambassador to japan. kennedy you may recall was a key supporter of president obama's during the election. now this is a bipartisan thing, this kind of crony ambassadorship thing. former george w. bush chief of
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staff andrew card noted on this program that since the 1960s, about a third of diplomatic positions tend to go it political backers, not to career diplomats who have the experience. so a lot of people say this is ridiculous and it's bad. but card argue that's some nations prefer having someone in the ambassadorship who can get the president on the phone. well, outrage, ire, gaffe, war on easter. i think we overuse the word war in our culture. these are the words being used to describe the anger some feel after google chose to commemorate cesar chavez with a famous doodle instead of easter. i'm sorry we have to burst your bubble if you're among the outrage. we found that last time google actually honored east we are a dood sl more than a decade ago. so it's not a sudden snub. and moreover, we said, look, is this an anti-christian thing? nope, it's not. google does not usually celebrate any religious holidays no matter the flavor.
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even around christmas time they leave religion out of the deals. it's been 606 days since the u.s. lot of its top credit rating. what we going to get it back? wall street talked in an article this weekend by david stockman. markets are in a bubble and we should be very afraid. america will diz send into an era of zero sum austerity and var lent political conflict. now we have breaking news. cnn is learning new details about the murder of texas district attorney mike mcleland and his wife cynthia. they were found dead over the weekend. the murders came almost two months to the day after his assistant was gunned down. we have a reporter in kaufman following the story. what are the new details tonight? >> reporter: well, these are a few details that are emerging from a search warrant affidavit filed here in kaufman county late this afternoon. what is interesting is that it
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shed light as to when and how the bodies of mike mclelland and his wife were found. the last time anyone had spoken with them was friday night. and then their bodies were discovered 6:45 saturday night. a full 24 hours when people got worried about not being able to talk to them so long. they went to the house and that's when their bodies were discovered with multiple gunshot wounds to both victims. the last conversation was last friday night. it revealed that investigators are also getting the phone records of both cynthia and mike mclelland for the last two months and trying to go over those as well. those are the latest tidbits that have come out from this search warrant. >> it's been two months. we don't yet know what happened to mr. hassy. mike mclelland was vocal about the gangs in the past year.
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are they saying anything about white supremacists being involved in the murders or are they hesitating? >> officially, they're not saying much. a lot of this stems back to originally two months ago when mark hassy was killed as he was walking to work. and that the allegations of perhaps some arian brotherhood connection emerged after. that then back in december the texas department of public safety had put out a statewide bulletin warning law enforcement agencies that perhaps they had intelligence that some of the members of the groups were actively planning retaliation. so all of that had been kind of floating around out there. but wfaa tv here in the dallas area reported last night that they had exchange e-mails with mike mclelland over the last couple days before he was murdered and in the e-mails he seemed to down play that connection. >> all right. thank you very much, eddie. appreciate your time. investigators searching for links between the two murders, prosecutors across the state are taking extra precautions for
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their own safety. wfaa reporter rebecca lopez was communicating with mike mclelland before his murder. i appreciate you taking the time to speak us with. let me just start with this. i know you have been e-mailing with the prosecutor. did he give you any indication that he was concerned about his safety? >> not at all. in fact, we got an e-mail from him three days before he was murdered. and there was no indication that he was concerned at all. in fact, right after mark hassy's murder, he came out and said we're going to come and hunt down. we're going to hunt down the person that did this. we're going to dig you out of your hole. he was not afraid at all. there was obviously extra security measures that were put in place in kaufman county after hassy's murder. and so there were some security measures. but he didn't seem concerned. in fact, in one of the e-mails he also talks about hassy and whether or not he was concerned about any of the cases that he had prosecuted and he said he wasn't scared of anyone that he had prosecuted and wasn't living
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in any state of paranoia. and so there didn't seem to be a lot of worry on his part that maybe he was on a hit list or anything like that. >> and i know the fbi is also involved in this case. what are your sources telling you about what the fbi is trying to do to track down who has done this horrific murder that we saw this weekend and as to whether those murders are linked to mark hassy's murder two months ago? >> yeah, they haven't said for sure if there is any forensic evidence that are linking these murders. however, they have since hassy's murder, they brought in a bunch of people, they questioned people in prison, they have questioned members of the arian brotherhood of texas as well as the arian circle. they have been questioning everyone basically throwing out a big dragnet out there. and a little while ago as ed mentioned in one of the affidavits, they're also saying they're seeking several records from all the cell phone carriers out there wanting evidence single phone number that they could get off their cell phone towers. and the hopes of maybe somebody
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made a phone call out there and that will lead them to whoever did this. but right now, they really have no idea who did this. >> and what about just the fear there? you know, the state moved quickly. governor perry, fernandez now named as the interim district attorney replacing him today. moved incredibly quickly. you think that's a job not a lot of people want right now with the district attorney, with the -- i mean, you know, there are three people now murdered in cold blood. what kind of protection can they offer? i mean these cases all happened, these people were armed. they were supposedly getting protection. and, yet, they were musrdered. >> there is a lot of law enforcement in kaufman county right now. the biggest concern is simply the unknown. i mean are there other prosecutors on the list? does it include people or would it include people from other counties that have worked on cases together and corroborated together? it's just -- they just don't know. and they are offering some protection to people and in,
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fact, the district attorney here in dallas is expected to go before the county commissioner's court here tomorrow and ask for more money for protection of himself and also the prosecutors in his office to get more deputies out there at the county courthouses and so, yes, there is a state of fear right now. and, again, it's simply because of the unknown. >> yeah. horrific situation. hard to comprehend it. thank you. and now to an "outfront" investigation. an all white student organization has created controversy on the campus of towson university in maryland. this week the group is expected to begin patrolling campus in an effort to cut down on what it says is a growing problem of black on white crime. do the numbers add up? we send our david mattingly to the maryland campus for an "outfront" investigation. >> reporter: the anti-defamation league and the southern poverty law center both call him a white supremacist. one writer says he is what the
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future of organized hate might look like. but college senior matthew hinback greets us with a smile. are you proud of that? >> i'm proud of what that the splc and adl are denouncing us. we're not the future of organized hate. >> reporter: the critics suggest his actions suggest otherwise? here he is on surveillance video last summer, posing with a rebel flag outside the southern poverty law center in montgomery, alabama. >> he writes about how white southern men ought to rise up to defend southern white womanhood. well, you know, the last time we heard that cry was from the reconstruction era klan. >> i call myself a southern nationalist. i believe in the identity of a southern people and believe with -- >> the white identity? european identity. white european identity? >> of course. my customs are white and my language is white. >> he led a group called white pride and other pro white slogans in public areas at
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maryland's towson university where he is enrolled. he commented, "no longer with a homosexu homosexual, muslim and black supreme sift groups be allowed to hijack our campus." >> i think this group is attempting to promote white supremacy issues, issues of noninclusion on a number of levels. >> reporter: now the leader of a new group, the white student union, he complains about campus crimes saying every single day black predators prey upon the majority white towson university student body. he's organizing white security patrols armed with pepper spray. is this your agenda? is this a racially-based, racially motivated agenda? because this comment makes it very clear black and white. >> the idea is -- >> this is very serious stuff. >> i agree. the idea that the campus is
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offended that white students are going to try to make our community a better place -- fts black student were doing this, they'd be called heroes and getting a key from the city. >> reporter: doubtful, the crime wave he is so alarmed about is one he invented. just 6.01 crimes reported per 1,000 students, 2012 brought the lowest crime rate on campus in 17 years. >> there is a blk on white problem. but it's also a crime problem in general where everyone is at risk. >> you can say it over and over and over again if you want. but the numbers just don't back you up. >> the numbers do back me up. look in terms of national crime statistics. >> let's look at this campus. single digits. they have been going down steadily since 1995. >> there's a reason why a majority of the people in my organization are women. they don't feel safe on this campus going across the street at night. >> reporter: in spite of his claims, towson is the safest of all maryland public
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universities, at least seven of the last ten years. he also claims to have 50 members, a number university officials strongly dispute. he has managed to provoke one change here at towson, university police say they will be much more visible on campus in the days to come. not out of a need to deter any new wave of crime, but to deter any new feelings of insecurity. so far, he hasn't broken any rules. the university can't do anything about it. he plans to graduate this spring with a degree in history. for "outfront," david mattingly, towson, maryland. still to come, tourists are kidnapped, robbed and raped in brazil and an american is involved. a controversial op-ed says women should spend their time in college looking for a husband. sexist? smart? the woman behind the article is "outfront." ♪
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tonight we start in france where a man is arrested for stealing an elephant tusk. it came from the skeleton of an
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elephant that once belonged to louie xiv. i asked nick peyton walsh how this bizarre man was caught. >> imagine this, 3:00 saturday morning in the fifth district of paris near the natural history museum, neighbors hear a chain sawing noise coming from inside the museum. police arrest a 19-year-old man on the street outside it seems carrying a large elephant tusk that he's removed from inside from an exhibit which is an elephant skeleton given to the french by the king of portugal in the 17th century. he injured his ankle apparently in this and is now in custody. police don't know exactly what it was he intended to do with that tusk, erin? >> strange story. now we go to brazil. two tourists were kidnapped and robbed and the woman raped and it happened over a course of several hours. i asked our reporter who is there about the american. >> reporter: erin, we got confirmation from the u.s. embassy that one of the two foreign tourists kidnapped and
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brutalized aboard a minivan in rio this weekend is an american citizen. we don't know if it was the man or the woman. and police are really trying to protect their identities. but what we do know is that these two foreign tourists boarded a minivan in the district of rio early saturday morning and shortly afterwards three men got aboard that mini bus, they forced all of the other passengers off and that is when their nightmare began. the man was tied up and beaten. the woman was repeatedly sexually assaulted. both of them had their credit cards taken. they were driven around different gas stations where they took money out of atms. again this lasted for six hours. they were dumped in a city near rio. police say they've already arrested two men for these crimes and they're searching for a third suspect. all of this will have people asking whether or not rio has solved its historic crime problems, erin. >> thanks.
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now let's check in with wolf blitzer. he's in for anderson and has a look at what is coming up on "ac 360." >> thanks very much. we'll have much more on the shocking killing of the texas district attorney and his wife. that is ahead on 360. were the murders the work of a lone wolf or part of a larger plot? there's been some speculation. it's the work of a white supremacist prison gang. we'll speak with a former top recruiter for the skinhead movement. also coming up tonight, a controversial shotgun give away in a high crime neighborhood in tucson. the man behind the plan says it will bring down crime rates. we'll also ask mark kelly whose wife was nearly killed what he thinks of the plan much those stories and dr. sanjay gupta. he weighs in on the gruesome injury to the louisville basketball player kevin ware whose leg was broken so badly that his teammates turned away in horrorment he's already out of bed and getting an on
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crutches. we'll talk to sanjay and the chances he'll play basketball again. that's coming up at the top of the hour. >> all right. we'll see you in a few moments. now get ready, our fifth story out front. ladies, get a degree and a ring. that is the basis of a controversial column from susan patton, one of the first female princeton graduates. in a letter to the princeton student newspaper, patton who has two sons both of whom went to princeton advises the daughter she never had to "find a husband on campus before you graduate. smart women can't, shouldn't marry men who aren't at least their intellectual equal. there's a very limited population of men who are as smart or smarter than we are and i say again, you will never, again be surrounded by this concentration of men who are worthy of you." are these really words of wisdom? out front, the woman who worote the article. all right, susan, you stepped in it. let me start. >> i did. >> let me start with you.
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all right, you've been called an anti-feminist and embarrassment, excruciating, regressive, but you instant by what you said? >> i totally stand by what i said. i don't think anything about this is anti-feminist. it's not retro gresive. it's not even radical. women if in addition your career you want to be married and have children, you should think earlier about it than you might be planning to. >> in addition your career and understand that, but there is another way of looking at this. let's look at the annual cost of going to princeton. shock warning to anybody out there. i don't think it's worth going to those colleges. princeton is $40,000 a year. after $230,000, that's paying a
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lot of money to -- some might criticize you for saying get an rms. >> you are paying that money approximate air world class education and further to experience a community that will provide you with a rich population of people with whom to form lifelong friendships and if you are lucky, a life partner who you can grow with, form a family with and raise children with. >> stephanie, that's your response? did she convince you? >> no offense and i feel like i got in the car from back to the future and we are in 1952. really? you have to get married in college? don't studies show that the earlier people get married the more likely they are to get divorced? find a husband while 8 princeton or you are screwed? >> no. >> is that the only choice? what if you can't afford to go
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to princeprinceton. >> i'm not suggesting you are screwed. i'm not suggesting to get married before you graduate. keep an eye out for who you are surrounded by during your under graduate years if you are on the campus. if at 20 or 22 you don't know who you are going to marry, i get that. if you delay marriage until you are 30. you don't know who you are going to evolve into by the time you are 40. what doesn't change is women have a limited opportunity within which to bear children of their own. the idea that you spend the first ten years out of college doing nothing but developing a professional life, you will find yourself in your early or mid 30 wise nothing but a professional life. i'm just suggesting. take a good look.
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>> an appropriate thing, but you are not asking women to lean in, but lean back and think of ward cleaver. >> i'm not doing anything of the sort. >> three of us and then you. >> what they are saying is men regularly marry women whoa are less intelligent. amazing how it can be if she is exceptional creaty. us women are unforgiving of potential spouses. >> i will not touch that with a ten-meter cattle prod. >> less educated. >> there has been a change and more -- people delay marriage longer than they used to whether they are college educated or not. part of what happened is people used to see marriage as a cornerstone and part of the foundation for becoming an
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adult. you find a partner and you basically together become adults and meet the challenges that you encounter early in your career and what have you. you invest in each other. now the idea is that marriage is a tax stone. it's the cherry on top and what you get to do when you achieved various goals. the problem is that actually for a lot of people, marriage is what helps you achieve a lot of goals and both professionally and purchaersonally. >> that's a big problem with men, period. a lot of quality of men has deteriorated. she is raising that and i'm part of this problem too. i think i can wake up in the morning and grow my hair out and button this and wear a tie. all kinds of thirngs to be a more respectable gentlemen caller. but it's a real issue. the labor market and educational outcomes for men are bad and
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getting worse for women that are improving. to the extent that women are going to see a man who is their equal or who is maybe a little bit ahead of them with status and professional accomplishment, that is mathematically getting harder as men prove to be a total disaster. >> extinct or too far. please weigh in with your point of view. you can reach me on twitter. up next, tonight's essay. naked journalism. i don't exaggerate. of blood fl. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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. a journalism main stay could be ready to pack it in. not barbara walters, but the page three girl. the british newspaper the sun featured a photo of a topless woman on the third page of every issue. shockingly the page is rather popular and out to become the most read newspaper in britain. the page three girl to be no more. a group called noe more page three launched an online campaign to be removed from the sun. page three objectifies and defeigns women and picked up steam of the party who said a labor government would pan page three girls. i am siding with page three. newspapers